Family Mediation Services

The reluctance to engage in difficult conversations often hinders the growth of our most cherished relationships. At Hall Mediation Services, we believe in embracing these conversations as opportunities for growth and understanding, rather than obstacles to be avoided.

Hall Mediation Services


Feeling stuck on an issue in your relationship but don’t feel like counseling is the answer? Or – Seeing a counselor but need a plan for how to live together while you do the internal work?

Mediation is all about getting you unstuck! We help you express yourselves clearly and create practical plans for working on key issues in your relationship. Mediation doesn’t blame. We figure out what worked and leave what didn’t work in the past. And we create a practical plan for moving forward.

In Marital Mediation you will:

  • Move away from being ‘right’ to hear what each of you is really trying to say.
  • Learn how to communicate with each other in a new way.
  • Discover what each of you needs to feel loved and supported.
  • Separate the ‘issue’ you are struggling with from what you each need to meet your goal.
  • Create a plan for a new way of communicating and living together.

Communication is learned. And many of our families weren’t able to teach us good skills. But, we can all become better communicators and deepen the relationships we value the most. Mediation is forward looking and solution based. It is not counseling. We focus on creating a tangible plan for moving forward that honors and respects where you are right now, while creating a Road-Map for the future that you envision.

Here are a few examples of issues we mediate:

  • Different Spending Habits
  • Chores/Role Expectations
  • Job Changes/Relocation
  • In-laws
  • Boundaries
  • Parenting/Step Parenting

Sessions are $175.00. The first session is an hour and half, subsequent sessions are 1 hour.

Call for more information or to schedule an appointment – Call 360-524-1762 or email


Elder mediation allows Elders and their families to discuss sensitive subjects in a safe neutral environment.

Changing needs and roles as we age can place significant stress on our Elders and our Families. Often triggered by an event, we recognize that things have to change and don’t know how to begin the conversation. Elders’ continued need for independence and self determination and adult children’s concerns for their parent’s safety can begin a tug of war where each family member becomes entrenched in a role that doesn’t reflect the depth of the love and support they want to offer to the relationship.

As Mediators, we help you step out of your role of parent, child, oldest, youngest, brother, sister…. to have each of your needs and concerns heard, identify common goals and craft solutions which fit the unique needs of your particular family while maximizing your resources.

Common Topics of Discussion:

  • Residence Options
  • Family Communication
  • Medical Decisions
  • Family Member’s Roles and Responsibilities
  • Finances and Bill Paying
  • How Decisions will be made
  • Property Distribution
  • Planning for anticipated challenges ahead

Have conversations about future expectations and care decisions early! Our best decisions are made when we have time to explore our options and be thoughtful in our decision making. Families who have made agreements about how they will face the future can focus on making the most of their relationships today!

Cost: $750.00 which includes

  • A private phone orientation with each participant and our mediator, up to 3. Additional calls $75.
  • Two hour joint session working together to resolve the conflict.
  • A written agreement documenting where you have reached agreement.
  • A reduced rate of $200.00 per hour if you need additional session time.
    The Cost of Family and Elder Mediation is often shared among family members. Sessions are 2 hours long. They can be held at either the Hall Mediation Services office in downtown Vancouver or in the case of a home-bound elder, at their home.

For More Information or to Schedule an Appointment Call (360) 524-1762 or email (11)
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Conflict Coaching

Conflict Coaching is designed to help you handle conflict in a new way.

Ever had the best of intentions but hear yourself say the wrong thing at the wrong time -and you make things worse? Wish you had someone to help you figure out how to say what you mean in a way that the other person could hear you?

A conflict coach works with you one on one to help you learn how to have high stress/high conflict conversations in a productive way.

The coach will help you see the conflict from other perspectives, consider options for resolution, come up with a plan of action to resolve the conflict using tools and strategies you learn in your coaching session(s) and rehearse the conversation with you so that you’ll feel more confident.

Conflict coaching can be useful in resolving conflicts in relationship, family, community and workplace disagreements and it will build your communication muscle for better communication in all areas of your life. 1 hour sessions are $100.

Call us to learn how we can help you be a more effective communicator.
(360) 524-1762 or email

Hall Mediation Services